Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wandering around New Orleans

Summer 2015

NOLA City Park -- Caught the Charles Street Trolley on Canal Street to take the line to City Park!  A 20-minute ride that only cost a regular $1.25 fare and a senior citizen fare of $. 40!   What a treat!  The streetcar rides down the middle of the street, and the driver rings a bell that sounds just like it probably did in the '30s and '40s to alert riders to the next stop.  Our destination was at the end of the line, where we disembarked.
A fun ride!   Then we crossed to street to read the directory.
A painting of the street car.
The park has amazing views, flora, pathways,  and wildlife.


Later that day, we wondered through the French Quarters after dark.   Walked past crowds captured by tour guides doing their best to spin tales of Haunted New Orleans!  Adding to the spooky environment was a shadow cast behind St. Louis Cathedral!

So much to do!

Recently read about the private-public police force deployed in the Quarters (Street Sweeper by David Amsden, New York Times Magazine, August 2, 2015). I had wondered about the  blue light vehicle we had noticed during our walk about, and had thought it was a private public collaboration-- an interesting idea.  Their presence added to the feeling of safety as we casually wandered around New Orleans.

Love NOLA!